Thursday, September 20, 2007

Why I Get Upset - and it is not jealousy.

You give her details regarding our money situation, issues, plans etc that have nothing to do with her. This gives her permission to pry into our relationship.

You can't find a place in your heart for me because of issues you have regarding things that happened with her-but you still hold on to her and expect me to treat her like a friend. She is the reason you refuse to love deep enough to want more.

You seek her approval all the time.

You allow her to walk into the house as if she lives here still. I won't walk right into her house, that isn't respectful.

You made a comment once that she wasn't 100% responsible for the divorce and there were things you needed to work on - she states reasons she had issues with you- You still act that way.

When she comes around you act as if you have to prove yourself. You become arrogant and somewhat mean. Especially if I am defiant to something you seem to deliberately confront me in front of her as if you have to show that you have the control.

You care more about continuing with her than cultivating a strong relationship with me. (ex. Aaron's birthday I was in the kitchen and had been almost all afternoon, I was calling your name to ask about your dinner, no answer. I called your name again, this time Jasmine who was on the stairs right next to you, told me m that you were talking, I look up and you kept asking T "whats wrong". I go ahead to let you talk to her, and I make your plate, I bring it to you, you refuse it.) Not to mention that day I worked my ass off to make sure your son has a great birthday, I am pretty sure all T did was buy him a cake and give him 40 bucks for his party (I organized) a few days later.

You now have stopped asking me and have gone straight to asking Julie about watching A - Do you understand that I end up with her alot because as brother and sister, her and Aaron become a packaged deal? Not to mention Julie is tired being used as free daycare.

You are quick to defend her when I talk about A's skin. And I don't care about the argument. There is help for her other than a doctor at a community clinic and after seven years it should have been found. Stop buying hairpeices, new cars and fancy gadgets and invest the money in help. What the happened to the thousands of dollars. Your defense is allowing or should I say enabling her to continue the lifestyle enjoying the attention and continuing with the basic neglect.

Just like I can't take or make you and T take Aaron to the doctor about his stomach, you can't take or make T take A to the the doctor, she has to do it.

You let A hang alll over you most of the time - but I try to hug or kiss you and you physically push me away.

I can count on my hands and feet how many times you said I love you to me, and you tell Alyssa all the time.

By allowing A to call you daddy it is setting her up for more heart break. When T disappears again not only will Aaron have a loss, but A will lose too. And we know how T will turn it around and make you the bad guy. It will hurt A to think another man h as hurt her. Also she will look at all older men as father figures which will cause her to seek for that kind of affection, she will be taken advantage of and or will be promiscuous (i.e. Jennie)

When we first started dating you never had an interest in Aaron's school work. I made you go to your first open house, I made you more accountable for his homework, but now T has been around, you play superdad about it. Not to mention you question lecture and criticize me on my methods that brought your son from barely passing to A B honor roll.

T calls and says there is an emergency you drop everything and disappear. I can't get your attention long enough to get ideas of what you want for dinner, I might elevate everything to emergency status, maybe it will help.

Any confrontation we have you always say "you knew what you were getting into with me from the start" In the beginning it was you Aaron Devry and McDonalds. Everything new is just that NEW I have to get used to it just as much as you.

Why does it take drama for her to get the proper help for A. If it doesn't affect her she does the minimum to help A. The minute A gets kicked out of school all hell breaks lose and it is time for proper action.

You can't expect me to know how to deal with a divorcee and his screwed up baggage. I can't grin and bear it all the time, especially when you put me in an involuntary position on the those moments, expect a sour face or frustrated sigh. I don't volunteer you to go to dinner with Ivan or as you to help Billy with his computer or call Spencer and make you watch his some appreciation and heads up is a nice way to help me the bitter pill of helping a woman I can't help but despise.

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