Saturday, September 15, 2007

This is why.

Do you really want to know why I cry? I don't expect you to understand me when you read my thoughts, just know there is some logic behind the emotion. And all I can ask is that you don't try to stop the tears, you just identify the things in you that cause this, and own the mistakes. I know it is impossible for you to tell me sorry, because you tell me all the time I knew what I was getting into when i started...well you did too, and relationships are a two way street, work together to be happy together...and just know, that actions speak louder than words.

Why I cry.

I cry because you can tell me all day long what you find attractive in other people, but I can count on my hands how many times you have told me sweet things about how attractive I am. Maybe I am not so much, but you did say once, "why would you be with someone ugly"....It takes more that qualifier to make let me know you think I am at least cute....never said I have to be beautiful....I would settle for cute.

I cry because you talk still to girls online who for valentines day send you a half naked picture...and you respond with obvious hints on remembering her other inappropriate times. When I didn't even get a valentines day gift let alone a card.

I cry because you can be a self absorbed tv and computer zombie but can drop everything for your exwife and her daughter at any given time.

I cry because you can tell everyone you love them, but you have said it to me a handful of times in the past 20 months.

I cry because as infantile as this sounds, i wanted to be a special princess for my birthday. Understandably you were sick...but even now a month later, I still have yet to get an actual gift, let alone a card with even the slightest note of appreciation for me.

I cry because I feel like I am not contributing enough.

I cry because I am fatter and fatter and don't have the "umph" to get up and do something about it.

I cry because my car is still not fixed.

I cry because most of the time when your ex is around you talk to me like I am an object and then get mad at me when I snap back.

I cry because I know that I may never live up to what you expect a girlfriend to be.

But most of all, I cry because I am a girl, and when I get to cry it is my release to let all the selfish feelings that I hold in my heart out.

That is why I cry.

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