Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Baby Making Update...and question

First I want to clear something up.....when I posted last time about infertility, I incorrectly wrote that a week after I ovulated I should expect AF or a PPT(positive pregnancy test).....that time frame is incorrect, it is TWO weeks after the ovulation that I can expect AF or if you are waiting for me to report either way, you still have another week to wait. Sorry.
For those of you anxiously awaiting a new "update" on my baby making it goes.

I ovulated last monday, yay. This was my first positive OTK (ovulation testing kit).

I went to my church Women's Conference last Thursday noticing I had very sore lady parts.....I got know, that feeling you get when you are trying to conceive and you take every little unusual thing as a sign of pregnancy....ha. who know.

I came home from the Conference on Saturday.

Tuesday I went to my doctors office for a Progesterone level blood test. They said it will take up to 48-72 hours to get word on what it is.

Today (less than 24 hours) Nurse Debbie called and told me that my Progesterone level was a 22. Just to keep you informed the ideal level would be higher than 15. So I am well over the desired number. yay!

For those of you who are not in the 'know' According to WebMD:
Progesterone is a female hormone produced by the ovaries during release of a mature egg from an ovary (ovulation). Progesterone helps prepare the lining of the uterus (endometrium) to receive the egg if it becomes fertilized

So now.....Debbie told me, we are week will be AF of PPT. (for real this time! ha.)

Soooooooooo I have done this so far, and I am not sure how long I will keep it up....but it is fun to think about anyways....

IF I conceived this time....I would be due December 11,2012!

Now for those of you that have been pregnant before, I have a question.....

When you found out you were pregnant, did you announce it to everyone right away, or did you wait till after the first trimester?
I ask this because of a friend from church, she is just now sort of annoucning her pregnancy, but she has managed to keep quiet about it because she had previously had a miscarriage.....but the word is just now getting out about her, and she is already 17 weeks.
I told Jason I may want to wait, and he said he could keep the secret for as long as I wanted, but.....I don't know.....I want to make sure it was a viable pregnancy so not to get hopes up and such, but I am not sure how good I am with such a secret.....what did you do???

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