Monday, April 2, 2012

To Be or Not to Be - That's How I Drive Myself Insane.

At what point do you feel like you are crazy?
"Waiting" to know if this week is AF or a positive pregnancy test....everything.that.happens. I assume is a sign for something.....any cramp or stomach pain, is AF cramps. Any unsettled stomach, or indigestion indicates pregnancy. Any headache backache, or grumpy attitude is AF. Any emotional tear, craving, short temper is pregnancy....wait short temper could be AF, so could the tears and cravings......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
I am sure having a baby the old fashioned way is soooooooooooo much easier, and a whole lot less analytical. ha.
But it is hard to not jump back and forth. Doing such treatments for infertility, you want to believe that everything will point to that second little pink line on the pregnancy test. But knowing what you know about how your body has been is a little discouraging, and expected just to have another AF this month....
People say that once you stop trying it's when it will happen, and not to take all the little "symptoms" to heart....
"Have fun with the process"

Well, I didn't "try" for two years, and it didn't happen.
Now we are trying.

I am having a good time with MOST of the process.....but this mental countdown on when I should be "starting" vs. taking yet ANOTHER pregnancy test......this is what is the making me insane. ha.
God knows, and HE provides.....but doesn't mean I don't get locked in the looney bin in the process! ha!

Here's praying for a good week......

Okay so onto my "Operation Prepare for Baby"....

Here is this weeks "to do" list.
  • Finish ALL the laundry in the house - About three more loads
  • Start on the laundry in the garage - it's a bunch of random stuff that's been out there since we moved in, it may be "washed" already, but it has been in the garage for so long it smells like a garage.
  • Sort through my room for garage sale purge.
  • Organize all the pants that I am converting into skirts....the office is cluttered with them.
Thats going to be it for this week....I have a busy week as is with some of my church responsibilities. Jason and I are going to a Youth Conference this Thursday Friday and Saturday, I have Easter celebration to finish organizing, as well as buying the supplies for, and then a special event that is coming up....lots of planning....and last minute things....
Now I am going to take a minute, and switch out the laundry, then snuggle with my nephew while he watches Super Why! yay!

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