Monday, March 19, 2012

As of today.....

Today was supposed to be the day I went to get my internal sonogram....however, last Thursday Nurse Debbie called asking if she could reschedule me to the Saturday before.
I went in on Saturday, and she did the sono, she said that my right ovary is still the dominate and again there are two great perspective follicles, one being a 14mm and the other a whopping 18mm. A mature egg measures at 18mm. She said to expect them to get larger before I ovulate, and as of today, they may be an 18mm and 22mm......she also said my lining looks good and thick, at a 9, and everything is on course.
My only instruction for this week was to do the baby dance every other day between Sunday and Thursday, and do ovulation testing....and with that when I do have a surge to call the nurse. Last month I didn't surge, however she thinks it was the test I used, either faulty tests or user error.
Those dumb tests are not fun, you have to do them at the same time every day as well as you can't pee for 4 hours before hand.....grrrr.....dumb.
I am estimated to ovulate Monday or Tuesday, but she said it could happen as late at here's hoping for a baby making week! yay.

In other news, I am excited that at the end of this week I am going to Ladies Conference. It will be a relief and relaxation from the baby making tasks and all the everyday hohum of life. I can't wait! Yay!

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