BUT with that, Jason is on a kick about using up what things we get with his insurance. Open enrollment was in August since his company merged, but they are on a calender year plan, meaning his benefits restart in January....so we have 4 months to use up what we have, and then turn around and do it again next year.....
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO we started at the dentist.
Thursday Jason, Aaron and I went and saw a new dentist.
To tell you the truth, and you might be disgusted....I haven't been to the dentist in almost 10 years.
Aaron had 5 small cavities, and had them all filled, as well as a basic cleaning.
Jason had a few cavities filled, as well as needs two teeth pulled (that we had to schedule) and needed a deep cleaning.
I had 5 small cavities that were filled, as well as a basic cleaning ... I have a crown that needs to be replaced and they had to schedule that as well..(can you believe this is all that was needed after 10 years of neglect)

The Afters.
Jason had his gums numbed because his cavities were deep, and it was so numb that he was unable to move his top lip well. He likened it to having botox, ha. Here was Jason trying to kiss me goodbye. I love love love it! I laughed and laughed.Alyssa already has a dentist, and just came along for the ride. Jason Aaron and I all had rooms at the same time, and Alyssa had a fun time going room to room making fun of us.... so in light of her laughing at us, I am putting the pics I took of her at her new orthodontist office getting examined for continuation approval....This was a few weeks ago, and very flattering! ha. Fun times.
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