- August 11th
- Is it weird that I am already doing my 2011 year summary.....I figure if I do it a little at a time, it will more than likely get done because I won't be overwhelmed and give up too quick!
- I hate my tile floor! The floor is bad bad bad, the weird marble floor in the foyer and the funky stuff in the livingroom. dumb dumb dumb. I miss carpet.
- I felt inspired the other night. No not the tamale day, the night before.....I put away some laundry that was sitting in my livingroom for about 5 days, I swept the kitchen, cleaned it better than it has been for several months, and I watched some crochet videos-I am looking to pick up grandmas hobby......wooohoo
- Jason has been convicted to have everyone in the family pick up a musical talent. Aaron is playing the bass for youth, Jason is thinking about picking up the guitar, Alyssa wants to learn the drums, but I think Jason is thinking more like the violin, and I am going for the piano...I can't wait! I have wanted to play the piano since I was like 4 years old.
- I am pretty sure I need to wash my hair. I shower, but not always wash my hair....gross, maybe, does it make doing my hair easier, yes. Free tip of the day: Dirty hair is easier to style because the grease on your scalp helps your hair to hold styling products and heat.
- I have like 432,566,345.8 million tamales. I will be giving some away, but alot of them will be put in the freezers for when I don't feel like cooking!
Updated on August 13th...
- I have learned to not start a random thought post, then save it to publish later, because then some of the thoughts are no longer valid....like as of right now, I have not froze any tamales, I have already washed my hair...
- The maid fairy didn't come and clean on my birthday, boo.
- I am hungry, and not for tamales.
Ha, yeah Jessica, 2012, maybe I should have done a 2011 and it wouldn't be weighing on my mond, lol
ReplyDeleteor mind. ack.