Monday Listicles on a Wednesday Morning.
I will learn how to better manage my time to where I can get these things out on the day the blog writter intended....but for now, my turtley pace must due...
This week List would be something near and dear to my worries right now.....but next weeks is even more specific to me, ha ha stay tuned to that...
Monday July 23,2012 Listicle is....
- I am a year older, and as of right now, I am physically childless, so I automatically go to the thought process "IF I have a kid at 35, when he or she is 35, I will be 70.....thats old!" basically start compairing my age to the age of my ficticous kids...
- I can never remember anything I "want" for my birthday, but this year I think I have resolved this issue by putting a pinterest board together....lets see if it works.
- Being disappointed by who remembers and who doesn't
- The happy birthday wishes on facebook from people who never talk to you otherwise (I am guilty of this)
- Feeling let down when the people I love don't try to make it special for me, no matter how special I try to make theirs..
- Life still goes on even if it means you have to pay bills, get tickets, etc on your day.
- when it rains on your birthday, growing up my mom and grandma have always said, if it rains on your birthday you have to share your gifts with everyone....yuck!
- Chocolate cake. I do not like store bought chocolate sheet cake. gross! and marble cake makes me mad, ... for some reason I feel like the chocolate dries out bad.
- The older you get the more of being a grown up you have to to wish I was 18 years old, and know the things I know now, the difference I would have made for my would have been a super priority, saving money, just better choices all together.
- last but not least, the reason birthdays are no good is because no matter how hard I want to stay young, each August 13th I get that much closer to grey hairs...............I don't have any yet, not that I know of, but they are coming...and with the stresses in my life right now, they are just right around the corner.
Layla your Birthday is not far now! Hope your wish comes true. And yes, #6 gets to me too...