Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lists Lists Lists

I was reading a blog today and saw she participates in "Monday Listacles" basically a day where they have a topic, and we make a top ten list about it and link up, uh can we say Right. Up. My. Alley!?!?!
Well it is.

So I am gracing you with yet another link up for Monday, and I may or may not love that it is a list.

Today's topic... "Thanks"

1. Thanks to Decorators Warehouse for being open 365 days a year....it gives me a smile in my jinggle bell soul to know on the hottest day of the year I can be magically transported to a fun and emotionally pleasing time....yay for Christmas!
2. Thanks to God for giving me a rainbow, the biblical symbol of God's peace and fresh start.....this was the view from my front door.

3. Thanks to the people who finally got my car fixed and now it is back home....it has only been 3 months, my dad is glad to have his car back and we are glad to not have to fold ourselves up to get into our car anymore
4. Thanks to my cousin who is the only person who has donated to my online baby fund. (this is serious, not sarcastic...)
5. Thanks to a couple in our college and career group, who are so cute that when one was away on a mission trip the other would come over so he could skype using our webcam....they were cute and reminded me what it feels like to love someone so sweetly.
6. Thanks to friends writting random notes for you to find......'tis so sweet!

7. Thanks to the hours and hours and hours of time I have spent on pinterest I now feel inadequate and untalented...but I still go and stare and stare and search and search.
8. Thanks to reading blogs.....I feel the same way as number 7, but I am still hooked.
9. Thanks to everyone who read this blog, but I wish more of you would comment...I am still trying to find that online friend who is going through similar things I am with the infertility, but no one is speaking up......hello, I don't bite, hard.....
10. Thanks to my husband who loves me despite the emotional rollarcoaster I have been on this last few weeks. And who bought me $45 worth of crab this weekend even though we probably shouldn't have......it was soooo tasty!


  1. LOVE crab! What a great hubby!

  2. The man who delivers a whole lotta crab is a keeper. And Xmas all year around/ What a store!

  3. that crap looks delicious! I'v never heard of the store you mention but it sounds like a fun place to go.
