Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Born to be bad

Aaron came home from school with a traced Family Guy Stewie picture.
I complimented him and went about my cooking (despite what I really thought - can't stand this show).
He asked to use my crayons. I thought nothing about it.
He asked to borrow the scissors. Again I was cooking dinner so I didn't think.
Next thing I know Aaron asked me to look at the tree. He was soooo proud of the ornament he made me.
I don't have to mention how tacky it is do I? But no matter how will stay.
I love Aaron. He is so kind hearted.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

From The Weavers

I won't bore you with a bazillion pictures....but it is done. We are married. I had a Fabulous wedding. I loved every minute of the ceremony and reception. I love my sister for all they did for me. I love my new sister in law for being at my beck and call when I didn't expect her to be. I love and thank my cousin in law Krista for the cakes, the flowers and her time to help do the behind the scenes things that I didn't think about. And there were oh so many of you who helped and loved me and Jason through the whole day, and there are not enough words for everyone of you guys.
The drama of the week before, and the support my bridesmaids showed by rallying together to help pull it off...A.M.A.Z.I.N.G
(drama story to come.)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Wedding Fears and Tears

I had lost the love and feeling for blogging. I think mostly because my feelings got hurt that no one participated in my blog auction. A virtual temper tantrum led me to not want to blog....but I guess you can say I have gotten over myself a bit. Maybe.

A week from today is my bridal shower, I am a bit nervous about it much as I love a good party, and hanging with good people, I am a bit nervous about the attention I think. I have been told by people that I try and hog attention, but really I try to hog fun. And if being loud and attention-whorish means thats how I have fun, I guess I pull off all the stops to get At showers however, the attention will be about me, since I am the bride, eek. And something else I am not fond of, opening gifts in front of people....I feel awkward and forced to be smiley....but I plan to try to ignore myself next Saturday, and have a good time. If you are going, you need to rsvp Veida so we can make sure to have enough food.
Oh and guess what, Veida has banned me from showing up early to the bridal shower, she doesn't want me to be me and get all controling and bossy about how I think things should be set up and decorated. She wants me to do something I am not sure I have ever done, shown up, have fun, go home. I usually get there and help set up, then stay and help clean up....this will be different.

21 days away and I will be Mrs Jason Weaver.... eek, I am sort of apprehensive of this whole, change your name thing. Jason is completely against me keeping my last name, in any form of fashion. My grandma dropped her middle name, and moved her maiden name as her middle. Jason has nothing to do with that.. He says once I marry him, I am a Weaver. eek. I love my name, and I really think it is because of my persian heritage.....but it makes me a little sad to leave my name. Someone had said that because Jason wasn't letting me keep Mastali, that he was a chauvinist pig.....but I understand Jason, and am not mad, or anything, I just have had my name for almost 30 years, it is sort of nostalgic, lol.

I got my actual engagement ring this past week. I.Love.It. Jason said it wouldn't be the one he would have picked out for me, but as long as I am happy with it, then that is what matters. My "temporary" ring turned my finger green, and it's replacement temp ring did the same thing, I am glad to have the real deal.

Friday, August 28, 2009

This is my bed...

When we don't have Matt over staying on the couch...this is what my bed looks like 99% of the time.

Why you ask

Well you see Jason is addicted to sleeping on the couch. He attributes this habit to his childhood, and the numerous times he stayed in motel rooms and at his grannys house... It feels more like home.

At first it irritated me that he chooses the couch over snuggling. Then it made me sad. Now I have got to the point to where I don't really care. The laptop, papers I am working with, books I am reading and the remote are all beside me.
It irritates him when or If...... I should say... he does come to bed to have to clear it off.
I look at it this way, I get all the pillows all the covers and all the space of this king sized bed.

But let's say I want to break him of this habit..... How would I go about it? Any suggestions?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Best friends from the start.

We have a new friend

Ebele is our new friend.
She has started full time with Ainsley and me this week. Ebele is 6mo old. She is a chubby ball of sweetness. I am trying to get her to like me better than she does Jason....but I am not sure it will happen.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Today. and news.

I am 29 now.
In less than a year, I will be 30.
I am not who I thought I would be at my age.
Not saying that I don't like me. I am just different.
Happy Birthday to me today, August 13th.

Sad news:
On Monday the 10th, I got a call from someone asking if I had a dog named Taiko. I said yes. He told me, Taiko was found dead on the street. He had ran away (the second time this month), and got into the street, got ran over and died. A rottweiler was found next to him, I would like to think he was trying to help Taiko. Maybe they were buddies??? I cried more about Taiko than the kids. It still makes me sad.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Eating fruit.

I do not think I have ever met a child at this age (just barely one year old) who is successful at eating fruit like this. She is a champ!

Friday, July 17, 2009

We are all sad.

Taiko has ran away again.
Back in January he ranaway and got put in doggy jail. But as of tonight, he was not in jail again. And he is no where to be found.
So if you see an ugly chug/puguahuah (that is what he is) in grand prairie, please call the number on his collar. It is too hot outside for a dog like him to be without food and water. And we miss him here at home....

Come back Taiko!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Memorable heat.....

It is soooooooooo stinkin' hot outside....
I have accomplished a very few of the tasks I have had planned to do. I blame the heat. Why does it seem that it is hotter outside the older I get?
I hate sweating.
.My favorite summer thus far as an adult would be the summer I spent in Quincy, Illinois. It was wonderful.I ran across my journal I kept from that time, and I see how much I raved about the cooler weather.
I watched Shakespeare in the park in the middle of a July afternoon and didn't sweat a drop of anything.
I walked every night, there was no humidity to sweat to, and at times, I walked the whole 30 blocks to the Mississippi river and enjoyed the cool breeze...
It only got hot in August, and in September it cooled off like it was supposed to do.
Oh how I long for Quincy weather again!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sweet sleepy snuggles

This picture makes me happy. Today I woke up after our morning nap and I have Ainsley's arm around my neck. She cuddled me while I slept..isn't that sweet?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Retirement at its best

I went to pick up my grandmother yesterday for our 4th of July bbq. And after I got her in the car I had to return her motorized chair to her apartment.
I worked that thing like a champ. Now this is what I am talking about. Only it may take some time to adjust... Being a first time driver I felt like a drunk driver swerving all over the place - running into the wall of the elevator- and almost hitting an old lady.
I may need an elderly license to operate that thing. Or at least get off the phone:

Saturday, July 4, 2009

This is how we are doing it this year.

We bought a grill (does that make me a grown up?) got my Grandma for the night Matt grilled I cooked and we all ate.
After Jason ate he left to watch fireworks with Aaron. Whitney Matt Grandma and I are vegging out watching fireworks on TV in the air conditioning sans mosquitoes and humidity.
Only if I can convince someone to wash dishes and clean the kitchen I will be a happy camper.
Happy 4th of July.
Thank you to all the service men and women protecting my freedoms. My cousins and uncles have fought the freedom fight in all the military organizations. A special thank you to them. I love you.

Our fireworks for the evening
Matt and Whitney hanging out!
Grandma hanging out.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Not just an ordinary top 5

Top 5 Things I did today...

5 - Got lots of sweet baby kisses from Ainsley. Now she is older, she is understanding things like when I say kiss, she leans in for a slobber kiss.
4 - Ate yummy left overs from Olive Garden. Yummo.

3 - Cleaned up my twister wrecked livingroom.

2 - Chased down the icecream man barefoot on the hot concrete.

1- Announced my recent (as of last night) ENGAGEMENT to Jason. Yes you read correctly, we are engaged. Whew....long time coming, and I honestly never thought it would get here....but it is.

I have actually known that he was going to ask me to marry him for a few weeks. BUT I am old fashioned and didn't want to announce the good news until after it was official. That my dear interpeeps is why I have been absent for a while...because all I wanted to do was tell you about it, so if I can't keep my mouth shut, I had to not be here at all.....
This is my temporary real ring is still being paid for, so until then, this is what my hand looks like.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I will get around to it soon.

I had mentioned a few months ago that I had to blog on my Lufkin adventures....I didn't forget it, I am just having a hard time putting into words the things that I need to say....just keep will come.
This is a blog of "what is to come" I have lots of news, but do not have the ability to share it....but I want to, I am actually busting at the seams....
Some of you who know me, knows what happened this weekend (not bad at all)....but please, limit any comments on the event, because it is a real sensitive subject (can bring me to tears at any point) and the delicate news has to be shared with others in a manner that will not cause family/friend me out.

But oh the things that are on the horizon are so clear ready for news.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

This is the way we rock

Ainsley is chillin` in the hammock at our saturday garage sale. Sweet.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I need help.

I am the worlds worst when it comes to cleaning. And I know I have mentioned it before on my blog, but I seriously need help.
I can clean.
I was once paid to clean.
BUT I get soooo discouraged when things are not going my way...
for example. I hate my apartment.
To me, there is no where to put anything. No real proper storage. I feel cramped and piled on top of myself.
I have things piled in one part of my livingroom WAITING for me to have a garage sale...I have a huge pile of clothes sitting under my bar WAITING for me to wash them, but I have to get caught up on our everyday stuff, that I never get around to it....I hate our washing machine (though I am grateful I have one) because it is a small one, that holds only half a load.
I have piles of coupons for me to organize, I know I can save tons of money if I use them, I have saved almost 80% of my total using coupons, but because I don't have what I feel is the necessary items to organize them, I don't want to do it....I have piles of craft projects some started and forgotten, some waiting and some just imagined.....I have a desk that looks like a black hole, gobbling up anything in it's way.....
I have cleaned, organized and became anal retentive over these things, but it keeps coming back because I get discouraged at the way others don't respect the hard work I have done and can't pick up after themselves.
I know this is just an excuse, but it is one that I can't get over.....

Help me internet friends, how do you stay at home moms do it, how do you have to drive and desire to keep trucking even though piles and messes continue to happen. save me!

Miss proper

I love how her pinky finger is up as she drinks her bottle.

Friday, May 22, 2009

No fear.

She has no fear when it comes to lemons. She cried when we took it away.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Layla`s torture

A bow bigger than her head! But it's just about the sweetest thing ever!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Over listening

This is the conversation at the gas station....
Me: mmm icecream sounds good.
Few seconds later
Me: will you go in and get me a drumstick jason?
Ten minutes
This is what I get.....I just wanted a drumstick icecream.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Why I feel defeated...

I wake up and find this on my recently swept and mopped bathroom floor.
Do the men and kids in your life do this to you too? And if so do you get defeated too? Or are you like Julie (Jason's sister) and clean it without care to who did it....but just because it is just something that has to be done ....
Did I mention that when I feel defeated I either whine complain and cry about it.....or ignore ALL messes until I get over it...or fight with Jason about it (he lived with Julie for many years and is used to no whining approach to cleaning..... I on the other hand am used to you mess it you clean it method....a foreign concept to the residence in my apartment.)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Gluten for punishment.

We just joined a gym. I didn't come to work out. I just came with everyone to watch the raquetball. And I leave with a one year commitment.

Here is Jason and his brother getting after it!


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hanging Out.

Almost ready for bed, Ainsley is hanging out with Jason watching t.v. We love when Ainsley comes over for a sleepover....she is such a good baby!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Aaron and Ainsley have become buddies....Ainsley is just fascinated with him.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sweet Kisses

Ainsley is handing out the kisses today! She was sitting with Alyssa and kept giving them out...then she sat with me and kissed me too.....what a sweet baby!

Taking a stand

Ainsley pulls up on anything and everything she will not be long till she lets go and walks...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sister Call's Birthday Cake

Growing up, I went to seminary (an early morning bible study class for high school students, typically held at the church meeting house, or in rural areas someones livingroom...)
Sister Call would bake us a cake if it was our birthday week...she would always make the same cake...the chocolate one. I loved getting a ride home from her because she would let me take an extra piece home.....oh how I loved that cake.
I never got the recipe from her, and she has sadly passed away. BUT....her daughter Katri had the recipe. I gave her a brief and very vague description of the cake, and she magically knew what I was talking about!!! Oh how sweet life is.....
And here it is for you to enjoy as well....I will rename it to :

Ann Call's Birthday Cake
Cake ingred.:
2 sticks butter or margarine
1 cup water
1/4 cup cocoa
2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon vanilla

Preheat oven to 350. Butter and flour a 9x13 inch pan. Heat butter, water and cocoa over low heat until butter is melted. Let cool. Add to flour and sugar and mix well. Add remaining ingredients, mixing after each addition. Pour into prepared pan and bake for 30 minutes.

Chocolate Frosting:
1 stick butter
1/4 cup cocoa
1/4 cup buttermilk
2 cups powdered sugar

Heat butter, cocoa, and buttermilk over low heat until butter is melted. (It looks like a mess!) Add to the powdered sugar and beat well. while cake is still warm, spread with frosting.

Yield: 16 servings (I added powder sugar for the picture, because it sort of looks like my brownie from a previous post)

Bed Hog

Here Ainsley is taking over my bed....gotta love sleepovers.

Monkey Brains

I made this for breakfast the other morning, it was very delicious...I thought. I had been wanting to try it for a while now, and just got around to do it.
It is called Monkey Brains....or for the tender tummies, you can call it pull-a-parts.

Melt butter in one bowl
In another bowl, put equal amounts of brown and reg sugar, throw a dash or two of cinnamon in it.
get a can of biscuits cut each biscuit into pieces.
Dip the pieces in the butter, roll it around in the sugar, then place randomly in a greased bunt pan.
If you want to make a huge pan of it, you can fill the pan till about 2/3 full. I used one can, and it was plenty for my family.
Bake the brains at 350 for about 20 to 25 minutes.
Let it cool for a few minutes then turn it upside down on a plate....
Eat them up!

I am a child

Seriously it took me an hour to convince myself to take this liquid medicine.
I hate liquid meds. It makes me cry to think about taking it.
I don't drink alcohol. It isn't because of religious belief or hereditary addiction.... It is because the taste. It all tastes like medicine. Sad huh?
Bedtime now. I thought I would tell on myself. Sigh.

Monday, April 13, 2009

She saw the light...

How does one child be so dang cute? I mean really...

I was looking for something under the couch, and so instead of picking up the couch, I got a flashlight and looked under it...well Ainsley found the flashlight, and was very interested.... When the light flashed in her eyes she would growl at it....or what noise means she is dissatisfied, that sort of sounds like a disgruntled throat clearing....growl.... but she played with it for a few was picture worthy.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

One minute at a time....

As Ainsley is getting more mobile (and by mobile I mean fast and furious...and inquisitive.....)
I thought I would by a pack and play to let her roam and play in...also Jason's brother is having a baby (well his girlfriend Stephanie is having his so I am sure I will need to use the pack and play for him/her too.....
Alixis says that Ainsley does not use the pack and play at their house, and I didn't think it would be a big deal for Ainsley...however, if she is not preoccupied quickly with toys, she will cry and let you know that you are being the meanest person in the world to her by making her play in it.....but we take it one minute at a time, trying to acclimate her to the "space" she can call her own....maybe even one day take a nap in it....maybe.

My Evening Adventure

I had a coupon adventure this evening.......and this is what I bought, spent and saved...... I want to pat myself on my back.....

  • hotdog buns*
  • hotdogs*
  • chilli*
  • Steamfresh mixed veggies***
  • French's Spicey Mustard**
  • Duncan Hines Cake Mix***
  • 3 Cans of Pilsbury Flakey Buiscits**

Spent a total of: $5.47

  • Kellogs Applejack Cereal**
  • Kellogs Raisin Bran Cereal**
  • Kellogs Fruitloop Cereal**
  • Kellogs CornPops Cereal**
  • Pringles Pizza Sticks**
  • Pringles Pizza Sticks**
  • Betty Crocker Icing**
  • Old Spice Hair and Body Wash**

Spent total of $9.29


(Already had a $4.00 Extra Care Buck coupon)
3 packs of Mentos Gum (reg: $1.69 each)*
Colgate Sensetive toothpaste (reg: $4.39)**

Spent total of $2.66
Received $4.99 of Extra Care Bucks to use on another purchase

Total Spent for the day : $18.42
Total Saved for the day: $28.21
Total Earned for the day: $4.99

Technically Spent (minus $4.99 ECB earned) $13.43

* item on sale OR there was a coupon
**item on sale AND there was a coupon
***item on sale AND a coupon this item ended up FREE

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Can you believe it?

Layla has a room with an actual floor. Stop the press this is a headline like no others! It is a rare occassion to see such a clean room, in fact it has to be when I am out of town before this could happen! Props to Jason and Aaron for getting it done to surprise me!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Random Thoughts Produce Results Again

I am still trying to put together the blog for my Lufkin hang in there.....however..I am in the mood to good luck to you if you finish this blog.

I sit here...eating scooby-snacks graham crackers.....they are good....Graham crackers reminds me of being a kid, trying to find something sweet to eat in the house and then eating them with peanut butter....
Peanut butter.....also reminds me of eating waffles....why do people think that I am weird when I eat peanut butter on my waffles? You should try it....make sure that you do not forget your syrup
Syrup....reminds me of my grandma telling me that I eat my waffles just like my grandfather...and the way that sure that every inch of the waffle has syrup on it, and then make sure there is a pool of syrup around the waffles just in case the syrup is soaked in..
Soaked in...reminds me of nothing.
Nothing in my head makes me listen to the cool music on my current playlist....this exact moment the song is "The Part Where You Let Go" by Hem

Tomorrow Ainsley is spending the night with me...yay...I love baby snuggles....and she is good at it.

I am making Chicken and Rice....but not in the Chicken and Rice kind of is going to be like my dad's with potatoes and tomatoes and onions and stuff....don't judge it....


The End....

Friday, March 27, 2009

Lufkin adventures

I went to Ladies Conference with the women who go to Jason's church. It was a very different experience for me.
I grew up Mormon, very quiet and reverent church worship. Well Jason's church is pentecostal,  VERY loud, lots of music and active hand raising worship. I am not used to it. I have learned a little bit, I have felt very uncomfortable in my skin. And I don't think it was because of the actual conference I think I was uncomfortable because I am changing.... It was weird. A bit undescribable. Life changing. I am not sure what I will end up knowing or beliving at the end of this journey, I just know that I now have a lot of soul searching to do.
My friends, Jenna and Kim
The got me all "pentecostal" looking and stuff.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

And then there were three.

Dear Shayda,
You are amazing. You were born on March 20th. The Iranian New Years, one of the first days of spring time. It is very fitting that this was the time of year you were born. You are a ray of sunshine in my life, and I know in others too. You are as cheerful as a spring day, and you are innovative to create newness and as the new blooming flowers.
From the day you were born you made me so happy. Veida and I would sit up at night holding you, playing with your little hands and feet and chin as you slept, we would dream up things for you. We would sit and calculate how old you would be when we were a certain age. We even did the calculation of "Layla will be 28, Veida 25 and Shayda will be 16" calculation. And now it is here.
Last week you turned 16.
16 is a magical age. It is the age where a car turns into job responsibilities. It is where high school graduation is so close you can smell college freedom. It is where you begin to think that no one really understands where you are in life, and it is your life you want your own mistakes. It is all understandable....we have all had it happen to us.
Sweet sixteen does not mean your childhood expectations are just means it hurts worse when you realize you don't get things the way you dream them up....and you have an adult like mind that leaves you a bit disappointed. But I want you to hold on to the expectations no matter what. Still believe in Santa, love the Christmas thrill and magic. Love your hardest at Valentines, and still hunt for eggs at Easter. Dress up at Halloween, and Gobble it all down at Thanksgiving.
....expect yourself to be happy. Demand it.
There is a world of people out here who love you. Use the love for good. But make sure to use it.

I love you, and no matter what, you will always be my baby sister who I love with all my heart mind and soul.