Top 5 Things I did today...
5 - Got lots of sweet baby kisses from Ainsley. Now she is older, she is understanding things like when I say kiss, she leans in for a slobber kiss.
4 - Ate yummy left overs from Olive Garden. Yummo.
3 - Cleaned up my twister wrecked livingroom.
2 - Chased down the icecream man barefoot on the hot concrete.
1- Announced my recent (as of last night) ENGAGEMENT to Jason. Yes you read correctly, we are engaged. Whew....long time coming, and I honestly never thought it would get here....but it is.
I have actually known that he was going to ask me to marry him for a few weeks. BUT I am old fashioned and didn't want to announce the good news until after it was official. That my dear interpeeps is why I have been absent for a while...because all I wanted to do was tell you about it, so if I can't keep my mouth shut, I had to not be here at all.....
This is my temporary real ring is still being paid for, so until then, this is what my hand looks like.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Your temporary ring is gorgeous,can't imagine what your real ring will look like!
ReplyDelete:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
ReplyDeleteYeeeeeah boyyy :-]