As Ainsley is getting more mobile (and by mobile I mean fast and furious...and inquisitive.....)
I thought I would by a pack and play to let her roam and play in...also Jason's brother is having a baby (well his girlfriend Stephanie is having his so I am sure I will need to use the pack and play for him/her too.....
I thought I would by a pack and play to let her roam and play in...also Jason's brother is having a baby (well his girlfriend Stephanie is having his so I am sure I will need to use the pack and play for him/her too.....
Alixis says that Ainsley does not use the pack and play at their house, and I didn't think it would be a big deal for Ainsley...however, if she is not preoccupied quickly with toys, she will cry and let you know that you are being the meanest person in the world to her by making her play in it.....but we take it one minute at a time, trying to acclimate her to the "space" she can call her own....maybe even one day take a nap in it....maybe.

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