Why oh why do you have to have red chips?? Don't you know that they gross me out....it really is a waste of food to give them to me....soggy with cheese wraped as a tortilla for enchilladas, I will not...and can not eat them...
You make me the butt of Jason's laughter and jokes...he thinks I am weird...I am weird, but I don't want to waste my weirness on such a petty and nasty thing like RED CHIPS!
This is a plea.......STOP SERVING RED CHIPS....and if you can't do that, at least respect my wishes, and save the laughter when I specifically request to not have red chips in my nachos!
Thank you.
Layla the regular chip loving lady.
This is an example of what you would serve me....I borrowed the picture from this flicker account...*barf*

Ha Ha You are a DORK :D but we love you anyway. I like the colorful chips... I like the blue ones best though :P