My grandmother was diagnosed with Leukimia on May 1st. She will be 83 years old in June, she has survived cancer once....and she is determined to do it again.
She has the following type of Leukimia (Info from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is one of four main types of leukemia. About 15,340 new cases of CLL will be diagnosed in 2007. About 95,579 people are living with CLL. More people are living with CLL than any other type of leukemia. Most people with CLL are at least 50 years old.
CLL starts with a change to a single cell called a lymphocyte. Over time, the CLL cells multiply and replace normal lymphocytes in the marrow and lymph nodes. The high number of CLL cells in the marrow may crowd out normal blood-forming cells, and CLL cells are not able to fight infection like normal lymphocytes do.
The reason I had to wait to share is because Shayda was not told yet. Veida and George picked her up from Nacogdoches and then she came up here and Veida and I told her together. I wanted her to hear it from us, and not read it in a blog.....
I will post more about my Grandma when I have the emotional will-power. Let's just say now that she has been the constant in my life....a rock to lean of my best friends. I love her.
Sad days:(