I have done a few recipes I have got off pinterest...but these two crafts were the only two I had done so far. And we all know that pinterest is the mecca of all crafts. If I had the money and time - ok well if I had the money, I would be doing crafts daily...however, I am not always that inspired.. sometimes it is easier to just pin it and procrastinate than it is to actually DO it.
So here are the two items I have done that I found on pinterest.....
1. I converted 4 matching picture frames into chalkboards. My aunt had given me 4 pictures, and the prints were of a house, and it had the four seasons represented on each print. They were lovely pictures, however, they did not match the theme/motif of my house. They got filed into the garage. Perusing through pinterest I noticed a lot of people were turning things into chalkboards....and ah ha, the idea was born.
I bought spray paint, and chalkboard paint from Michael's, then I separated the glass from the frame. I spray painted the frame, and as it was drying, I put 3 coats of chalkboard paint on each of the glasses. When everything was dry, I reassembled and tada, I had picture frames. YAY!
The picture above is a shot from my dining room wall. I am collected blue willow plates as well, and at this point I only owned these two. And the center chalkboard came from a antique store here in Grand Prairie, but sadly they just closed the place....I think I might have teared up because of it.
2. Bow holder. Well, Julie had a baby shower for baby Emma, and I knew that since Julie was a pinterest addict, she had seen and pinned a few "bow holders". I saw a few of bow holders at hobby lobby for about $20, but none of them were in the pink and zebra that Julie was decorating with....so....I looked on pinterest, gathered the supplies and went to town.
First I spray painted a picture frame I got from Hobby Lobby for $8 (it was 40% off with their coupon) then I hot glued pink and zebra/pink grosgrain ribbon onto the back.....and voila.....a bow holder. She was excited to see it at her shower, and I was glad to get her something she really really wanted.
Jason took these pictures, and he was sure I would be a bit embarrassed, but honestly, I could care less, lol....maybe I should though, ha ha.
This is right after I spray painted, and was about to attach the ribbon.
This is at Julie's shower, it is my niece Katelyn and my Mother in Law Sheila organizing all the gifts for Julie.
What it looks like with the bows on it - I made these bows for Miss Emma Jemma.
Hopefully soon I will be holding a "Pinterest Party" for some of my friends who have found it to be addicting as well....
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I LOVE it!!!