Sunday, February 12, 2012

Infertility Lingo

So instead of writting words like "intercourse" and "Ovulation" and words that may be uncomfortable to my male readers......and maybe my husband....I will use the basic infertility abbreviations to cut down on my typing time, to save face to those who know nothing about infertility and who are not that interested in finding out.....and so the young adults we are working with won't mention to my husband again when the next time we are going to be "busy"...ha. True Story.

Lingo I will use on a pretty regular basis...

TTC - Trying to Conceive
BD - Baby Dance...aka getting it on...aka doing the deed.....aka.....well you get the point.
CD - Cycle Day - meaning what day if the monthly cycle I am on. It will reset every time I have a period.
U/S - UltraSound
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
OPK - Ovulation Prediction Kit
O'ing - Ovulating
AF - Aunt Flow/Menstrual

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