Ainsley loves Layla's cat, and was more than willing to share the bathtub with him, but Layla made him go away......afterwards, all Ainsley would say "Cat, bubbles, Cat,bubbles"
I am a new housewife, but practiced as the girlfriend for almost 4 years. I have no children of my own yet, but I have a step son named Aaron and a psudeo step daughter named Alyssa. We recently moved into a rent house with more space than I know how to use. I am terrible at organziation and cleaning, but am trying to learn slowly but surely.
April 26,2012 - Aquired and delivered sperm sample to the RE for an analysis May 1,2012 - obgyn office called me with results - he is abnormal. referred to an urologist. May 29,2012 - Finally got into see Urologist (Dr.B) diagnosed with bilateral varicoceles May 31,2012 - Jason starts Clomid treatment to increase testosterone levels. May 31,2012 - Jason had a blood test for a basis of comparison before Clomid treatment for Dr.B
Clomid Treatment Plan - First Round
2/3/12 - Start Cycle (cycle day 1) 2/6/12 - Internal Sonogram (cycle day 4) 2/7/12 - Clomid (cycle day 5) 2/8/12 - Clomid (cycle day 6) 2/9/12 - Clomid(cycle day 7) - Sonogram with dye to check tubes 2/10/12 - Clomid(cycle day 8) 2/11/12 - Clomid (cycle day 9) 2/13/12 - Start Ovulation Test - ov kit (cycle day 11) 2/14/12 - BD - Internal Sonogram (cycle day 14) 2/16/12 - BD(cycle day 14) 2/18/12 -BD(cycle day 16) - internal Sonogram 2/20/12 - BD (cycle day 18)
Clomid Treatment Plan - Second Round
March 5th - Start of Cycle (Cycle Day 1) March 6th - Internal Sonogram (Cycle Day 2) March 7th - Clomid (Cycle Day 3) March 8th - Clomid (Cycle Day 4) March 9th - Clomid (Cycle Day 5) March 10th - Clomid (Cycle Day 6) March 11th - Clomid (Cycle Day 7) March 15th - Start Daily Ovulation Kit (Cycle Day 11) - BD March 17th - BD (Cycle Day 13) - Internal Sonogram March 19th - BD(Cycle Day 15) Positive OVULATION! Yay
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