Top 5 Things I did today...
5 - Got lots of sweet baby kisses from Ainsley. Now she is older, she is understanding things like when I say kiss, she leans in for a slobber kiss.
4 - Ate yummy left overs from Olive Garden. Yummo.
3 - Cleaned up my twister wrecked livingroom.
2 - Chased down the icecream man barefoot on the hot concrete.
1- Announced my recent (as of last night) ENGAGEMENT to Jason. Yes you read correctly, we are engaged. Whew....long time coming, and I honestly never thought it would get here....but it is.
I have actually known that he was going to ask me to marry him for a few weeks. BUT I am old fashioned and didn't want to announce the good news until after it was official. That my dear interpeeps is why I have been absent for a while...because all I wanted to do was tell you about it, so if I can't keep my mouth shut, I had to not be here at all.....
This is my temporary real ring is still being paid for, so until then, this is what my hand looks like.