During February, we had Valentines. Or what should have been a romantic day......turned out to be a sickly sucky day.
I got a box of chocolates and a card from Jason (who was just as sick if not even worse, than I was). The card, which made me laugh....and made me appreciate the fact that he was actually reading through cards to find the perfect one....had a picture on the outside of a man giving a valentine to his significant other and it said "Love is...". And on the inside the woman had a disgusted and annoyed look and the man was happy.....and it said "Love is not having to say I am sorry for farting".
This comes from me getting annoyed for Jason farting on the couch all the time, I call it his invisible poop...and I saw the result of this as I cleaned the couch with the carpet cleaner one day.....
Now a few days before Valentines, Aaron was a sweetheart, and with some money that Jason gave him to spend at CVS, Aaron chose to buy me a box of chocolate and a fake rose. VERY SWEET. I have been saving the chocolates for when I feel better (and after I blogged about it)
Well last Wednesday, Aaron saw the box of unopened chocolates, and got irritated that I had not eaten them yet....then after a little while, he threatened to take them back. I told him if he was going to be that way, then he should take them back.......next thing I know, he has eaten all of the chocolates but one.

I looked at him and said "I can't believe you ate my candy" Jason told Aaron that my heart was broken....
Aaron had remorse, but thought it was a bit funny as well. So all night, I made reference to him eating my candy.
The next day, walking home from school Aaron found this rose
and thought it was a perfect gift for me, to reconcile him eating my Valentines.......*sigh* I get someone elses dried up rose.......but he was sincere about it and really wanted me to feel better about the candy.....sweet boy.....*sigh*
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