Introducing my handmade abilities with Aaron and his Kissing Booth Costume....
With the costume, Aaron chased down some teenybops trick or treating in the same area. He says that he wasn't following them, but he sure did stay right on their heels. Every house they went to he did too, and he was way ahead of us most the night.
Aaron Delia and Alyssa finished with Trick or Treating.
Alyssa and Delia during the trick or treating
Jason playing with a wig.....can we say DRAG QUEEN.....
I am a new housewife, but practiced as the girlfriend for almost 4 years. I have no children of my own yet, but I have a step son named Aaron and a psudeo step daughter named Alyssa. We recently moved into a rent house with more space than I know how to use. I am terrible at organziation and cleaning, but am trying to learn slowly but surely.
April 26,2012 - Aquired and delivered sperm sample to the RE for an analysis May 1,2012 - obgyn office called me with results - he is abnormal. referred to an urologist. May 29,2012 - Finally got into see Urologist (Dr.B) diagnosed with bilateral varicoceles May 31,2012 - Jason starts Clomid treatment to increase testosterone levels. May 31,2012 - Jason had a blood test for a basis of comparison before Clomid treatment for Dr.B
Clomid Treatment Plan - First Round
2/3/12 - Start Cycle (cycle day 1) 2/6/12 - Internal Sonogram (cycle day 4) 2/7/12 - Clomid (cycle day 5) 2/8/12 - Clomid (cycle day 6) 2/9/12 - Clomid(cycle day 7) - Sonogram with dye to check tubes 2/10/12 - Clomid(cycle day 8) 2/11/12 - Clomid (cycle day 9) 2/13/12 - Start Ovulation Test - ov kit (cycle day 11) 2/14/12 - BD - Internal Sonogram (cycle day 14) 2/16/12 - BD(cycle day 14) 2/18/12 -BD(cycle day 16) - internal Sonogram 2/20/12 - BD (cycle day 18)
Clomid Treatment Plan - Second Round
March 5th - Start of Cycle (Cycle Day 1) March 6th - Internal Sonogram (Cycle Day 2) March 7th - Clomid (Cycle Day 3) March 8th - Clomid (Cycle Day 4) March 9th - Clomid (Cycle Day 5) March 10th - Clomid (Cycle Day 6) March 11th - Clomid (Cycle Day 7) March 15th - Start Daily Ovulation Kit (Cycle Day 11) - BD March 17th - BD (Cycle Day 13) - Internal Sonogram March 19th - BD(Cycle Day 15) Positive OVULATION! Yay
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