Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Rant on Facebook

I HATE FACEBOOK! I do. I know it is the cool thing to do...and I have one....but I hate it....all the applications and sending random crap to random people...poking...what the hell is that all about? it is stupid.
And Myspace is not far behind. It is now using facebook applications....and it drives me CRAZY.

I have both of these as a virtual "connection" to people who I would not normally know what happened to from my past...a lot of kids I went to school and church with are on it...I like to drop an email or comment their way every now and again....but COME ON...PUHLEASE.....barf. I am almost totally done with it.

Not to mention, blogging and reading people's blogs are so time consuming, I don't have the time or sit and poke people. blah.


  1. LOLLOOLOKOLOLOL I just sent you a bunch of needless random things on facebook :D

  2. Hi Layla! Your youngest sister, who has recently become a FaceBook friend of mine, said you hated FaceBook, and pointed me to your blogspot. Well, I see you have immortalized your sentiments for facebook on your blog, no less! Scott B. the old guy who is L's and J's and K's and A's dad.
