A week from today is my bridal shower, I am a bit nervous about it actually....as much as I love a good party, and hanging with good people, I am a bit nervous about the attention I think. I have been told by people that I try and hog attention, but really I try to hog fun. And if being loud and attention-whorish means thats how I have fun, I guess I pull off all the stops to get it...lol. At showers however, the attention will be about me, since I am the bride, eek. And something else I am not fond of, opening gifts in front of people....I feel awkward and forced to be smiley....but I plan to try to ignore myself next Saturday, and have a good time. If you are going, you need to rsvp Veida so we can make sure to have enough food.
Oh and guess what, Veida has banned me from showing up early to the bridal shower, she doesn't want me to be me and get all controling and bossy about how I think things should be set up and decorated. She wants me to do something I am not sure I have ever done, shown up, have fun, go home. I usually get there and help set up, then stay and help clean up....this will be different.
21 days away and I will be Mrs Jason Weaver.... eek, I am sort of apprehensive of this whole, change your name thing. Jason is completely against me keeping my last name, in any form of fashion. My grandma dropped her middle name, and moved her maiden name as her middle. Jason has nothing to do with that.. He says once I marry him, I am a Weaver. eek. I love my name, and I really think it is because of my persian heritage.....but it makes me a little sad to leave my name. Someone had said that because Jason wasn't letting me keep Mastali, that he was a chauvinist pig.....but I understand Jason, and am not mad, or anything, I just have had my name for almost 30 years, it is sort of nostalgic, lol.
I got my actual engagement ring this past week. I.Love.It. Jason said it wouldn't be the one he would have picked out for me, but as long as I am happy with it, then that is what matters. My "temporary" ring turned my finger green, and it's replacement temp ring did the same thing, I am glad to have the real deal.