Thursday, July 30, 2009

Eating fruit.

I do not think I have ever met a child at this age (just barely one year old) who is successful at eating fruit like this. She is a champ!

Friday, July 17, 2009

We are all sad.

Taiko has ran away again.
Back in January he ranaway and got put in doggy jail. But as of tonight, he was not in jail again. And he is no where to be found.
So if you see an ugly chug/puguahuah (that is what he is) in grand prairie, please call the number on his collar. It is too hot outside for a dog like him to be without food and water. And we miss him here at home....

Come back Taiko!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Memorable heat.....

It is soooooooooo stinkin' hot outside....
I have accomplished a very few of the tasks I have had planned to do. I blame the heat. Why does it seem that it is hotter outside the older I get?
I hate sweating.
.My favorite summer thus far as an adult would be the summer I spent in Quincy, Illinois. It was wonderful.I ran across my journal I kept from that time, and I see how much I raved about the cooler weather.
I watched Shakespeare in the park in the middle of a July afternoon and didn't sweat a drop of anything.
I walked every night, there was no humidity to sweat to, and at times, I walked the whole 30 blocks to the Mississippi river and enjoyed the cool breeze...
It only got hot in August, and in September it cooled off like it was supposed to do.
Oh how I long for Quincy weather again!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sweet sleepy snuggles

This picture makes me happy. Today I woke up after our morning nap and I have Ainsley's arm around my neck. She cuddled me while I slept..isn't that sweet?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Retirement at its best

I went to pick up my grandmother yesterday for our 4th of July bbq. And after I got her in the car I had to return her motorized chair to her apartment.
I worked that thing like a champ. Now this is what I am talking about. Only it may take some time to adjust... Being a first time driver I felt like a drunk driver swerving all over the place - running into the wall of the elevator- and almost hitting an old lady.
I may need an elderly license to operate that thing. Or at least get off the phone:

Saturday, July 4, 2009

This is how we are doing it this year.

We bought a grill (does that make me a grown up?) got my Grandma for the night Matt grilled I cooked and we all ate.
After Jason ate he left to watch fireworks with Aaron. Whitney Matt Grandma and I are vegging out watching fireworks on TV in the air conditioning sans mosquitoes and humidity.
Only if I can convince someone to wash dishes and clean the kitchen I will be a happy camper.
Happy 4th of July.
Thank you to all the service men and women protecting my freedoms. My cousins and uncles have fought the freedom fight in all the military organizations. A special thank you to them. I love you.

Our fireworks for the evening
Matt and Whitney hanging out!
Grandma hanging out.