- I can walk to pick up the kids in 13 minutes.
- Texas is still hot even when there is a cool breeze......I knew that but today I had a refresher course.
- my feet cramp up when walking briskly while wearing flip flops.
- I shouldn't take pictures of my feet while they hurt....it makes them look uglier than they already are.
Monday, August 25, 2008
And it is that random
Why surveys you ask...well...I should be asleep, the kids start school tomorrow...I have things I want to write about...but not in a soul bearing kind of mood.....I need to survey myself and my ideas...so I thought I could kill two birds with one stone....if killing birds with stones is actually an ok thing to say nowadays, ha ha...
How well DO you know your significant other?
1. If they are watching TV What are they watching?Anything on the Sci-Fi Channel
2. You're out to eat. what kind of dressing dothey get on their salad? Thousand Island
3. What's one food this person doesn't like? Split Pea Soup
4. What kind of drink does this person usually drink? Sweet or unsweet tea…depending on his mood…that or Dr Pepper.
5. Where did he/she go to high school? Whatever the name of Mt Enterprise High School is….well come to think about it, it is Mt Enterprise High school.
6. What size shoe do they wear? 12 I think…I could check, but that would be cheating.
7. If this person were to collect anything, it would be......computer stuff
8. What is their favorite type of sandwich? He likes all sorts… He will typically get a club-esqu kind of sandwich at sandwhich places.
9. This person could eat __________ everyday? Mexican Food
10. What is his favorite cereal? Frosted Mini-Wheat’s or Raisin Bran Crunch
11. This person wouldn't be caught dead wearing...Pink or bright springy colors
12. Favorite sports team? Dallas Cowboys
13...Who will he/she vote for? He was talking about McCain the other day….but I don’t think he is the voting kind…but he is listening to more political talk radio, so he might surprise me.
14. What is their sign? Whatever sign is for Dec 9th….I do not know the winter signs well…honestly I only know leo and Capricorn, lol.
15. What is something you do that he/she wishes you didn't? Hold things in and not talk about it.
16. how many STATES has this person lived in? 2
17. What is he/she's heritage? French, Irish, and other stuff….ha ha
18. You bake them a cake for their birthday, what do they want? Oreo Truffles or cookies…probably.
19. Did he/she play sports in high school? football, track and field.
20. This person could spend hours.... Working on his laptop
The last 3 things I purchased:
Taco Bueno dinner
Dr Pepper
The last 3 songs I downloaded:
Summertime – NKOTB
Flobot – Handlebars
Finger 11 – Slow Chemical
The last 3 places I visited:
My Grandma’s
My Mom’s
My 3 favorite movies:
My Best Friend’s Wedding
Shawshank Redemption
My 3 favorite possessions:
Sewing Machine
Scrapbooks (pictures)
3 things I can't live without:
My 3 wishes:
To Lose Weight
Secure and Happy
Talented in my sewing ability
3 things I haven't done yet:
Started a bakery/sweets business
Finish my daycare invention
Learned to Love to Run…crazy I know…but I want to be THAT person
My 3 favorite dishes:
My Mom’s/Uncles Fried Chicken
Taco Soup
Grandma’s Roast with Onions and Mushrooms
3 celebs I'd want to hang out with:
Rachael Ray
Alanis Morisette
Julia Roberts
3 things that freak me out:
How well DO you know your significant other?
Be honest! 20 Q's
(for of those of you who don't know, Jason is my SO)
2. You're out to eat. what kind of dressing dothey get on their salad? Thousand Island
3. What's one food this person doesn't like? Split Pea Soup
4. What kind of drink does this person usually drink? Sweet or unsweet tea…depending on his mood…that or Dr Pepper.
5. Where did he/she go to high school? Whatever the name of Mt Enterprise High School is….well come to think about it, it is Mt Enterprise High school.
6. What size shoe do they wear? 12 I think…I could check, but that would be cheating.
7. If this person were to collect anything, it would be......computer stuff
8. What is their favorite type of sandwich? He likes all sorts… He will typically get a club-esqu kind of sandwich at sandwhich places.
9. This person could eat __________ everyday? Mexican Food
10. What is his favorite cereal? Frosted Mini-Wheat’s or Raisin Bran Crunch
11. This person wouldn't be caught dead wearing...Pink or bright springy colors
12. Favorite sports team? Dallas Cowboys
13...Who will he/she vote for? He was talking about McCain the other day….but I don’t think he is the voting kind…but he is listening to more political talk radio, so he might surprise me.
14. What is their sign? Whatever sign is for Dec 9th….I do not know the winter signs well…honestly I only know leo and Capricorn, lol.
15. What is something you do that he/she wishes you didn't? Hold things in and not talk about it.
16. how many STATES has this person lived in? 2
17. What is he/she's heritage? French, Irish, and other stuff….ha ha
18. You bake them a cake for their birthday, what do they want? Oreo Truffles or cookies…probably.
19. Did he/she play sports in high school? football, track and field.
20. This person could spend hours.... Working on his laptop
Go By 3's
Taco Bueno dinner
Dr Pepper
The last 3 songs I downloaded:
Summertime – NKOTB
Flobot – Handlebars
Finger 11 – Slow Chemical
The last 3 places I visited:
My Grandma’s
My Mom’s
My 3 favorite movies:
My Best Friend’s Wedding
Shawshank Redemption
My 3 favorite possessions:
Sewing Machine
Scrapbooks (pictures)
3 things I can't live without:
My 3 wishes:
To Lose Weight
Secure and Happy
Talented in my sewing ability
3 things I haven't done yet:
Started a bakery/sweets business
Finish my daycare invention
Learned to Love to Run…crazy I know…but I want to be THAT person
My 3 favorite dishes:
My Mom’s/Uncles Fried Chicken
Taco Soup
Grandma’s Roast with Onions and Mushrooms
3 celebs I'd want to hang out with:
Rachael Ray
Alanis Morisette
Julia Roberts
3 things that freak me out:
Thats good for now...hope you enjoied more randomness from me...
Friday, August 22, 2008
Happy 28th to ME
Wednesday August 13th.
Julie (Jason's sister) took the kids I watch during the day (Aaron and Alyssa), so I can have a quiet day all to myself. I had a allergy induced cold, so I was feeling crummy...
Veida picked me up, we met my Grandma, Aunt Denice, and Mom at Olive Garden. I got some fun stuff....My Grandma gave me a lanebryant gift card (the pics below show the shirt I bought with it, I also got pants and earrings and undies). My Aunt gave me some cash, that I later blew at the mall. My mom gave me tickets to a circus in October, and the Fort Worth Zoo. Veida tried to trick me...she gave me four movies...each movie had a common theme, and that was New York. Then she used her crafty skills and created a faux boarding pass...for New York...her surprise is that she and I in October when the weather is pleasant....are going to go to our sister trip to New York.
After Olive Garden, Veida and I went to the mall, I tried to spend all my gift card at lane bryant then...but learned they were having a rad sale on Saturday, so I managed to walk out at that time with only a clearance shirt for $10.
We sat in those awesome lounge/massage chairs for 8 mins while it pleasantly tortured my back... yum. Then we went down to the hair place Trade Secrets and I used the cash my aunt gave me to buy nail polish (OPI Log On To Love) some Biologe shampoo and conditioner... Then we went to look at purses in Macys, because when it was Foley's they used to have wicked awesome clearance....not so much as Macy's but, I guess thats why Foleys is out of business...boohoo.
We left for Target...there I got some cute blue and pink pails and baskets (with the rest of the money my aunt gave me) that I can use to help organize my desk with..
We also went for Happy Hour....at Sonic. I had to have a Happy Birthday Route 44 Dr Pepper with extra ice. ...
I came home, took a nap, went to church....then after church, the kids went to Tracy's and Jason and I ate a yummy meal at Don Pablos...I was really wanting some chicken fajita nachos!
(Thurs and Friday were not my birthday days, but Jason surprised me with him doing lots and lots of laundry, and also washing all the dishes and keeping the kitchen up.....it was the best ever!)
Saturday August 16..
Went to the mall. Had to get my blackberry fixed, I broke the tracball out of it...stupid me.
After getting my phone back in working condition..we went to JC Pennys and got the kids some school clothes. Tracy took the kids home while I got my birthday party outfit...
Went right home, showered and went off to my party...
At the party..There was a bit of confusion as to how many people they would seat at a time in the same area so I didn't have to go through the whole restaurant to spend time with all my friends and family...after seating was figured out....and all the guests arrived, I floated from booth to booth chatting and visiting... I enjoied myself.
Veida's husband (it is hard for me to write that..she is too little to me to have a HUSBAND) George gave me a ticket to the Alanis Morisette Concert in October (looks like October is going to be busy for me!) Veida has the other ticket...This is SO exciting...we saw Alanis this past Feb with Matchbox 20, but she didn't get enough stage time if you ask me.....so I get to see an encore! YAY.
And my dad sent a gift........The Sewing Machine!!!!!!
YAY!!!!! I am stoked!
The party was over, everyone left, Whitney was the only person to come back to the casa and hang with Jason and me....then she left....and my birthday was over.
But feel free at anytime to send me a birthday gift! ha ha ha, jk!

This was the scene at my birthday party. Well it was more like a gathering of the people who love me and care for me...I had evited, and most didn't show up *sad* but these fine fun people did! Yay for Texas Roadhouse....I needed some Kabobs for my birthday! yummy yummy!
Jennie and me
Chelsea and me
Matthew and me
The Saddle I had to ride when the people sang happy birthday
Laura, Jennifer and Veida
Whitney and Matthew
Jason and Me
Aaron, Alexis and me
Me and Alyssa
Aunt Denice, Uncle David and Me
Me and Grandma
Me and Whitney
Then the pics start over...because Picasa hates me.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
28 things to know.
Because I am a "blogger" and because I want to be cool like all the other bloggers in the world, I was going to do a "100 things you don't know about me" post.....but I am so boring, I couldn't come up with a 100.
Since my 28th birthday is in a few days, I thought....I can do a "28 things you do not know about me" post....so here goes..
Since my 28th birthday is in a few days, I thought....I can do a "28 things you do not know about me" post....so here goes..
28 Things About Layla
1. I wanted to be a pediatric cardiologist when I grew up - then I learned what that meant...no thanks.
2. Perfection to me is a Route 44 Sonic Dr Pepper with extra ice.
3. I fell in love with basketball to get myself over a relationship, it worked.
4. I took two years of French in high school by default - Spanish was full.
5. Because of Dr Quinn Medicine Woman I wanted a daughter named Michaela. I have a cousin named MiKayla that will do.
6. I was the first person (besides parents and hospital staff) to hold my cousin's son Jackson. I stayed at the hospital ALL NIGHT to see him...it was so worth it!
7. I like to eat plain yogurt with some rices dishes.
8. I used to think I could tell when I was getting a cold because the roof of my mouth itched...now I know it is allergies, not a cold detection talent.
9. I wear the wrong sized bra, because I am in denial.
10. I've never really tried dieting more than once...and that was a low carb doctor perscribed diet...I gained it all back in inconvient places.
11. I am afraid of losing weight because I don't have the money to fix all the hangy skin that I will have.
12. I owned two pair of REAL diamond earrings, but lost one set in the drain, and this last pair I lost after my sisters wedding.
13. I am obsessed with hangers. Wire hangers make me mommy dearest crazy and all my hangers in my closet have to be white.
14. I am in love with snowcones with soft ice. One day I want to own a snowcone stand so I can eat all the snowcones I want.
15. I can not do a cartwheel. I actually have never tried - I am too chicken.
16. My normal body temp is not 98.7 like most normal people....it is actuall around 97.2
17. When I was 6ish, I was diagnosed with Marfans Syndrome (like my dad and sister Veida) but when I was 14, I was de-dagnosed chalking my symptome up to genetics....do I have a lawsuit on my hands?
18. As a pre-teen my dad made me practice volleyball on Monday nights sometimes...I hated it....Now I wish I didn't give it up.
19. I learned to wiggle my ears while sitting on my grandma's bed watching American Music Awards. I figured it out while I sat and kept the beat of the music with my head.
20. I don't understand football - but I try to watch it with interst.
21. I interviewed for two reality shows. 1999 - Real World/Road Rules My cousin Libby, and friend Stephanie went, I guess we were not contriversial enough for them.. 2003 - Extreme Makeover - I was dragged there by some of my cousins...I guess I was not ugly enough for them.
22. I had my bottom wisdom teeth pulled on Feb 14,2001 and was recovered and eating Chicken Parm on Feb 15th, It was a great experience.
23. I want to be a belly dancer.
24. I like to wear Jason's clothes as pajamas, I think it is cute, he thinks it is annoying.
25. I have found a reason for my long hair (besides Jason liking it) I am going to donate it to locks of love.
26. I learned as a kid how to put the little loopy thing on top of Dairy Queen's icecream cones.
27. I met George W. Bush at a rodeo when I was with a youth group from church.
28. I weigh 318 pounds, and this my 28th year will be the last year I will have to admit that.
Friday, August 8, 2008
I hate six flags!
Anyone feel sorry for me? It is middle of the summer in Texas I am in the 100 degree heat at 6 flags! Gag
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