This is a page from my scrapbook...And the reason it took me forever to like banana bread.
Sandra and I thought it would make it a nice personal touch to the first Youth Conference dance if we made the refreshments. Being in charge of the dance, we felt like we had a responsibility to the dance-goers to be creative and fun.....at the beginning of the week, we bought a whole case of bananas. Not knowing what to do with them, and knowing that they had to be just about rotten....we thought we could stash them in Sandra's closet. I got to go home......Sandra had to live with the smell of a CASE of rotting bananas.....IN HER BEDROOM!!!!! Poor girl.
Well, the day came where we had to bake it. By the end, we were delirious.....Had a banana batter food fight.....and pretty much hated the word banana and bread....We were tired....and no one even noticed the food....in retrospect.....kids between the ages 14 and 18 who are grouped together with the prospects of slow dancing together....are too hormonal and goofy to really care what they are ingesting.